Ok, i decided to create a blog to track my trip to Spain. Im not going till February 20th but I thought id start tracking my training and all the preparing till them.
It all started when my mom asked me to watch this movie with her called "The Way" so i thought sure why not. It was playing at Summerfield so we went to watch it. Its an amazing movie directed by Emilio Estevez about the Camino de Santiago. After the movie my mom said we should go do that. i thought about it and said, YES! lets go! I decided for once I'm going to prioritize something for us. So we decided to go in April. and here we are! Only 30 days till we go.
We're going to walk the Camino de Santiago or The Way of St. James. Its an 800km (500 mile) pilgrimage that starts in St. Jean Pied de Port in France and ends in the Cathedral de Santiago in Spain. The history behind it is very interesting and people have been walking this pilgrimage for over 1000 years. People do it for all different reasons. Some religious, some for fun, some just want to do it, but they ALL say its a life changing experience. Needless to say we're both really excited!!!